You want to improve your diet so you start doing your own research. Congratulations!
However you're quickly growing increasingly confused as you read every advice and its opposite.
Indeed, the internet and social media is replete with contradictory information on diet and nutrition.
How to sort wheat from chaff?
The following buoys will help navigating those dangerous waters. Hang on tight to them!
You know your body best
It's your compass and should be the sole indicator of what you should and should not eat, based on how good it feels.
Disclaimer, because health is complex and nothing is black & white: when the body is in a state of chronic inflammation and toxicity (which is the case with PCOS), the internal compass is buried and the radio signal is lost. Therefore it is important to start with focusing on decreasing inflammation and reconnecting with your internal compass before moving on to more intuitive dieting.
Follow the money
The agrochemical industry is a gigantic money-making machine and hustles hard at funnelling your £€$. They finance seemingly honest and objective studies, to convert seemingly honest and objective experts, to push seemingly honest products, supplements, diets, etc. Producing GMO, pesticide- and fertilizer- laden foods is CHEAP, not to mention extremely destructive for the environment and eco-systems.
Would you expect a good car to be cheap? What about clothing or electronics? That’s right. Quality food is expensive. You need to prioritise your budget accordingly. There are ways to optimise cost-efficiency like buying online directly from a farm and cooking from scratch.
Forget industrial meat and dairy, conventionally grown grains, fruits and veg. Soy, corn and wheat are the most bastardised and sprayed foods on Earth. Growing them to make all the "food" you find on supermarket shelves literally destroys the planet - and ultimately you. If we all stopped buying them, they would cease to be produced. It's that simple. Manufacturers follow consumer trends. Vote with your money. My rant is over.
Unrepresentative studies
Most studies on diet and nutrition use male subjects. Very rarely female subjects and definitely not women with PCOS. So what works for an overweight man will probably not work for a PCOS woman. Which circles back to rule #1: your body knows best, listen to it.
Keep in mind evolutionary and bio-individual perspectives.
Eating Acai bowls in Finland does not make sense. Likewise eating salmon with potatoes near the Equator does not make sense.
Vegan is counter-evolutionary. Not one single society in the history of humankind thrived on vegan diet. Actually before the introduction of Western Standard Diet, all traditional societies relied heavily on animal products and organ meats. And guess what? Cavities virtually didn’t exist. Neither did high blood pressure (read up Weston A. Price for more info on this topic).
Konjac noodles and protein powder do not exist in the natural world.
One reliable indicator to figure out whether this food item is actually food (aka provides nutrition and is appropriate to you personally): was it available to your great-grandparents? would a caveman recognise it? Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with Acai bowls per se, they just have to fit within a larger context. Genetic heritage and geolocation are essential in tailoring your diet.
Does it make sense? Can you see more clearly?
Let me know by email contact@dynamize.co if those tips helped you make informed decision for yourself, your health and your loved ones.