Welcome to part 2 of this blog post!
Now that we've identified the most common triggers for chronic low-grade inflammation and oxidative stress, let's review how to minimalize their impact.
Eliminate refined sugar and limit high GI foods. If you consume them daily, don't go cold turkey! Cut in half your daily intake, get used to it for about a week or more if necessary - until that's your new normal. Cut in half again, and so on.
Seal the gut and repopulate your microbiome with the GAPS diet. It focuses on easy to digest, high in bio-available nutrients foods, rich in digestive enzymes and various varieties of bacterial strains. The principles are the following: little to no carbs or sugars, no fiber, lots of broth, grass fed meat and raw dairy, various fermented foods. See link (4) in footer for more resources.

Have the humidity and mould levels checked in your home.
Remove endocrine disruptors.
Food wise, choose organic and grass-fed. Why not subscribe to a veggie/meat/dairy box delivery straight from a farm?
For the non-food items, you don’t have to throw everything away at once, just replace first things with fragrances and what doesn’t rinse off: perfume, deodorant (watch for aluminium!), creams and lotions. Then switch to organic as you go. Replace teflon non-stick cookware with ceramic or cast iron (I bought a set of 3 on Amazon for 12£).
Manage your stress levels. The vagal nerve seems to play a key role here. Ways to improve vagal tone are: breathwork, humming, singing, laughing, cold exposure, yoga, meditation. (8)
Move more.
1. You will produce feel-good hormones and sleep better.
2. Exercise increases insulin sensitivity.
3. You will also stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for cleaning the body thus lowering inflammation.
Extra points if it is a mind-body practice, which is proven to reduce inflammation and promote longevity (like yoga or tai chi) (7) or muscle-building, since muscle is the organ of longevity (9).
Ground as often as possible. As woo-woo as it may sound, grounding and tree-hugging are actually scientifically proven to lower inflammation and promote longevity. Grounding is basically going bare foot on natural surfaces (not asphalt) (5)
Increase your Vit.D levels. Supplements are not nearly as effective as what Nature intended. Expose your face for 10 minutes without sunglasses to the morning light. (6)
Reduce EMF exposure. At night, switch off the wifi router and turn phones on airplane mode, limit technology exposure especially after dusk, do not carry your phone on you but in a purse.
And of course, take homeopathy!
An experienced homeopath will select the appropriate remedy for you, according to the manifesting symptoms.
This remedy has the ability to fine tune your body's vibrational frequency back to its optimal level, thus restoring balance and health from within.